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July 2024

Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Meeting Room 5070
HEA Meeting
CHEP meeting
Heat Project - fans testing (1)
IRS meeting
CAST Training
CDME Class 27 Interview
YDS YABC meeting
Joyful V Meeting
YDS Dissem meeting
YDS Music Show
WNTD_combined enrollment_
Staff Orientation
HEA Meeting
CDME Class 27 Interview
CDME Class 27 Interview
Washing Air Filter
IRS meeting
CHEP sports day
HEA Meeting
Meeting Room 5080
IRS meeting
CHEP meeting
Heat Project - testing 2
IRS meeting
VDS meeting
CAST Training
LDR Regular service
CDME Class 27 Interview
IRS Meeting
IRS meeting
YDS Music Show
WNTD_combined enrollment_
LDR Regular service
LDR Regular service
Washing Air Filter
OST #2217 Penny Mak
ost meeting
CHEP sports day
LDR Regular service
IRS meeting
Meeting Room 5090
Integrated Project Preparatory Meeting
YDS Music show meeting
VDS meeting
YDS Meeting
紅十字小同伴Working Group Meeting
IRS Meeting
Joyful V Meeting
Pre-trip Meeting
PCS zoom meeting
Joyful V Meeting
Dissemination 傳播員討論會
Joyful V Meeting
VDS Sharing
YDS Music Show
WNTD_combined enrollment_
IRS Meeting
CDME Meeting
FV first aid
Washing Air Filter
FV first aid
IRS meeting
HE Meeting
FV first aid
IRS meeting
FV first aid
Red Square I0
YU exchange
HEC Programme
EU Training
Joyful V(3) Training
EU Training
Red Sham
Red Sham
EU Training
HEC Programme
EU Training
EU Training
EU Training
VDS Sharing
YDS Music Show
YDS Music show
WNTD_combined enrollment
FV first aid B
FV first aid B
cat 3 follow up training
CMRS-Institutional Training
EU Training
Puppet Training
CMRS-Institutional Training
FV first aid B
Washing Air Filter
EU Training
FV first aid B
First Aid-food voucherA/AAA
CMRS-Institutional Training
Puppet Training
FV first aid B
CMRS-Institutional Training
FV first aid B
Resources Corner0
HEC Programme
ERB interview
YDS M meeting
YDS DG Meeting
Health and WASH Steering GROUP Meeting
IRS-RCR meeting
YDS UM Workshop
FASA simulation course 2
DP for ALL Volunteers (Zoom)
CBET_Ladies Group
PSS Meeting
CMRS meeting
ERB interview
YDS Music show meeting
YDS DG Meeting
IRS meeting
RDA Meeting
YDS│Advisory Panel
YDS Music Show
YDS Music show
WNTD_combined enrollment
AOC Core Group Meeting
YDS service co. meeting
ERB interview
YDS DG Course Review meeting
MHPS boardgame meeting
EA2 meeting
Washing Air Filter
ERB interview
CHEP Sports day
YDS│SAO Meeting
ERB interview
Public Holiday
Combine Room